My Journey from Meat Lover to Plant Eater 🌱

Hmmm, I think my last meat dish will be a T-bone steak on the grill!
— Me, back then...

And that's exactly what I did back then. Today, I want to share with you what led me to veganism many years ago and why I stuck with it. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t a typical journey.

Hey, I'm Alex, your nutrition coach from Balanced Vegan Athlete. Today, you'll hear about my beginnings as a meat lover, my quest for the optimal diet, the unusual reason for my shift, and how this change has impacted my health and performance. 💪

My Beginnings as a Meat Lover 🍗

Like most people, I didn't grow up vegan. I was raised on classic German home cooking, where animal products were a normal part of the diet. I started working out and getting interested in nutrition back in 2007 when I was 15 years old. My early days were, of course, shaped by the information available at the time, especially the stuff that you come across first as a newbie. Sure, just rice, chicken, and broccoli were already too boring for me back then, but chicken, beef, and eggs were definitely my main protein sources. Not to mention, I downed two packs of low-fat quark, whey protein, or sometimes even tuna straight out of the can every day. And there's no question that it works. Hard training, lots of protein, and iron consistency can only lead to muscle growth and progress. But for me, it came with side effects that I didn't want to acknowledge at the time.

I had bad skin, digestive issues, and unpleasant body odor. Worse still, I was constantly getting sick. At least four times a year, I'd be completely knocked out, and I had countless colds... it was exhausting! 🤒

The Search for Optimal Nutrition 🔎

In January 2017, a friend of mine (thanks, Vincent!) challenged me to go vegetarian for a month. I wasn’t really thrilled about giving up meat since I enjoyed it so much. But I was curious and I love a good challenge. So, "Challenge accepted!"

The month flew by, and I was genuinely shocked at how incredibly easy it was for me. I didn't feel worse, I didn’t miss anything, and in fact, I actually felt a bit better, though I wasn’t quite ready to admit it. Hmmm, could there be more to this? I delved deeper into nutrition, learning how to find reliable sources, and started to question whether consuming so many animal products was really good for me. After all, I was always on the lookout for the best diet to boost my athletic performance. As I read more about the benefits of a plant-based diet, I became so intrigued that I challenged myself to go vegan for a month. But not before treating myself to one last hefty T-bone steak. 🥩

My Start as a Plant-Eater 🫛

So, I did it! In April 2017, I started my plant-based diet and had a blast exploring this new culinary world. Suddenly, I had more variety on my plate than ever before—who would have thought!? Okay, I admit, giving up cheese was tough, especially my beloved Parmesan, but hey, there's an alternative for everything!

I quickly noticed the benefits of this diet: I had more energy, my skin cleared up, I recovered faster, woke up alert and focused, had no more body odor, lost unnecessary body fat, and continued to build muscle. It sounds almost too good to be true, but all the scientific studies I have read confirmed these effects. I felt so good that I never ended the “challenge” and have been living vegan ever since.

I don't miss anything because I've discovered so many delicious new foods that never feel heavy in my stomach and have even convinced all my non-vegan friends. One of the biggest changes? I stopped getting sick! The first year went by, then another, and another, and at some point, I looked back and thought, "Wait, when was the last time I was sick? I used to be sick all the time!" 💡

The Transition to Veganism 💚

For me, the transition was driven purely by health reasons and the desire for the best possible diet for athletic performance. Over time, topics like sustainability and ethics came into play, further solidifying my decision and contributing to my emotional well-being even today. I've also learned a lot about additional health benefits and, most importantly, the preventive potential of a plant-based diet. It can help prevent the majority of civilization diseases.

Sure, the beginning wasn't easy. You have to dive into new topics and experiment a lot. But once you work through the initial adjustment, it feels just as simple, intuitive, and "normal" as before—only better.

That's why it feels like a calling for me to support people like you in experiencing similar benefits and to show how easy and delicious a vegan diet can be. Keep in mind, that this is my personal experience, and not everything can be applied 1-to-1 to everyone. But chances are, you'll enjoy many benefits too!

If you're as curious as I was back then, have questions, or feel the urge to try a more plant-focused diet for yourself, just reach out to me. I'm here for you! 😊✌️


Is it vegan? - A guide to checking food products.